WVPI mentioned in the first live seminar held by the Tennessee Bar's Labor and Employment CLE course
We are humbled and honored that the Tennessee Bar Association mentioned our research in the first live C.L.E. seminar since COVID required all such events to be held remotely. Our research is the product of dedication and work performed by members of our think tank including the activist Elijah Manley (candidate for the Florida House of Representatives, attorney Stuart Silverman, Esq. (Chair) and Felix Nater, an expert on safety and security.
Elijah Manley and Kathleen Bonczyk, at the WVPI's live event in Broward County, Florida entitled "From Columbine to Noblesville"
The Tennessee Bar Association held its first in-person Labor & Employment Law Forum since 2019 to address workplace violence prevention. Among the presenters were John Bode of Miller & Martin PLLC and Paul Merritt of Fortress Consulting, LLC.
The WVPI was referenced as follows: "Thinking and talking about workplace violence is scary. Nobody wants to imagine it. But it happens. According to Workplace Violence Prevention Institute Founder Kathleen Bonczyk, at least two million workers in the United States experience workplace violence. And she suspects that number is low; many incidents of workplace violence go unreported."
The link to this event may be accessed here: https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/three-ways-to-minimize-your-risk-of-5816461/?fbclid=IwAR0Kt6Kp2YGlv1q8Bnri6BspkUDMnHkhvjbu6iiOhoVUUMy_SOypX7_89qk