86-year-old "disgruntled worker" charged with murder of his boss
An 86-year-old janitor has been charged with the first-degree murder of William Vance "Billy" Combass, 67, in what authorities are describing as a case of a disgruntled employee intentionally killing his boss. The accused is being held without bail at the Palm Beach County Jail awaiting trial.
The June 4, 2021 deadly shooting occurred at the Belle Glade headquarters of Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative of Florida. Mr. Combass, who was regarded as a "respected manager and family man" leaves behind a wife and three children.

William Vance "Billy" Combass. Photo published by Palms West Funeral Home.
Approximately three weeks before Mr. Combass' murder, the accused learned he was going to be fired, bringing an end to 31 years of his employment with the sugar growers. Officials have not stated what role this may have played in the shooting. However, one media source reports the accused shot Mr. Combass after pleading to be permitted to work one more year.
The WVPI has repeatedly stated including in "Killer in the Next Cubicle: The tragedy of workplace violence in America," incidents of possible worker-on-worker violence is most likely to occur at the point of termination, particularly when the employee has a long-term relationship with the employer.
