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Justice Delayed, Justice Denied in Santa Fe, Texas

Families of the eight students and two teachers savagely murdered at Santa Fe High School (SFHS) learned today via published interviews of the confessed shooter's defense attorney that he has been declared incompetent to stand trial by three psychologists.

Note: Please read/sign John Conard, uncle of Jared Conard Black letter to President Trump, Petition here:

The Domestic Terroristic Hit at SFHS.

On May 18, 2018, 23 innocent people were shot, and 10 of those innocents pictured above died, in a public high school in Santa Fe, Texas on U.S. soil.

The confessed mass murderer's February 2020 trial date may now be delayed until such time he is declared competent to stand trial, something the survivors as well as family members of the teachers and children killed at SFHS were forced to learn through the media today.

Rosie Stone mother of Chris Stone who was taken from her on 5/18/18 at SFHS issued the following statement to the FOX News affiliate in Houston:

"I feel numb right now, my gut told me a few weeks ago this would happen. I tried hard to mentally prepare myself for this news....but it went nothing how I thought. My heart is broken and nothing can make it feel better till the day our domestic terrorist gets his life sentence and we know all the facts on May 18th. Parents should not live in the dark like this. The pain is unbearable at times. I want to know every last bit of information they have on Chris' last moments of life. They have it, but we have to cater to the "RIGHTS" of the domestic terrorist murder while the victims live in agony. This consumes me day and night. I need to know.. our hearts need to mend at some point.

I miss him every waking handsome hero Son." (Emphasis added)

(Pictured below: Chris Stone, Rosie Stone. Photo taken on the day of Chris's junior prom, one week before Chris was shot to death at his school).

Justice Delayed, Justice Denied in a Small Town in Galveston County, Texas.

As with prior school shootings, hundreds of students and employees headed off from home for SFHS, unaware they were about to enter a war zone on that awful Friday morning.

Today nearly 18 months later, it is unclear when the SFHS confessed shooter will ever be brought before a state jury.

Meantime, as Rosie Stone states, families whose lives have been completely destroyed have no official information as to what happened during the horrible final moments of the 10 angels lives.

Today's developments are more reason why the federal government must prosecute cases of domestic terrorism such as mass school shootings.

The Continuing Active School Shooter Era

More than 20 years have passed since the establishment of the modern American active school shooter era on April 20, 1999 at Colorado's Columbine High School. The threats and attacks on America's schools by domestic terrorists continue with no end in sight.

The states have been responsible for prosecuting all school shooters/bombers who lived, and have failed to put a stop to the targeted attacks by terrorists who disrupt operations of governmental entities receiving federal funding and injure, maim and kill teachers and children.

These abominations cannot be left up to the states to prosecute and remedy any longer.

Our federal government has the wherewithal and the resources to more effectively investigate and put a stop to these hits on our schools, and must step in now.

Federal Prosecution Is the Only Answer

As federal cases particularly those involving terrorism move through court systems quicker generally speaking, it is possible the confessed SFHS shooter might have already stood trial had he been charged as a domestic terrorist under federal law.

Federal prosecution may have made a big difference in this case: The accused was 17 when he was incarcerated and has been held in solitary confinement for nearly 18 months. It is unclear what effects this may have had to now render him unable to assist in his own defense.

By contrast, the feds arrested, tried, convicted, defended an unsuccessful appeal and put the Oklahoma City bomber to death within six years.

In addition to obtaining speedier justice, federal prosecution will act as a strong deterrent regarding future attacks.

Certain domestic terrorists such as the Columbine killers, two seniors who sought to blow their school off the face of the planet and who influenced so many others including the Sandy Hook and Virginia Tech killers, discussed how wonderful their parents were.

The Columbine mass murderers urged the world in their infamous "Basement Tapes" not to hold their parents responsible for their actions.

The notion that the F.B.I. might be investigating and the U.S. Justice Department prosecuting their crimes and the possible ramifications to shooters' parents might induce these killers to think twice about doing harm to another parent's child.


Pictured below: John Conard and Jared Conard Black. Jared was murdered at SFHS.

John Conard, uncle of Jared Conard Black has started a Petition to have School Shooters declared domestic terrorists.

Many family members of those wounded and killed at SFHS support and have signed Mr. Conard's Petition as have many other residents of Santa Fe, Texas and the surrounding communities including survivors of the attack.

Please read and sign Mr. Conard's Petition.

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