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Mass shootings in 2021 ahead of 2019 statistics

Yesterday's tragedy at the Kroger market in Collierville marks the 517th mass shooting thus far in the United States.

Approximately 44 employees were working when shots rang out leaving two people dead - including the gunman who had been working in that store and has been described as "disgruntled" - and 12 others wounded at that Memphis-area store. It is not clear if the gunman was targeting employees, however ten of the people who were shot were employed at the store.

The approximately 54.5 mass shootings per month that have occurred thus far in 2021 outpaces the 50 monthly mass shootings that happened in 2019 .There were a total of 600 mass shootings during all of 2019, the last year this data is currently available for.

Unfortunately, still ahead of us is the six-week holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Year's Eve, which has historically been a time when violence is higher than at other parts of the year. It appears based on what has occurred thus far, Americans can look forward to a dismal end of year statistic unless we as a country recognize that we all can and must play a role in workplace violence prevention.

Please watch the following video recorded by WVPI founder Kathleen M. Bonczyk, MBA, Esq. in 2016

concerning the growing tragedy of workplace violence in America, a trend that is sadly increasing:



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