U.S. Suffers Two Massacres at Two Commercial Locations in 15 Hours
The WVPI was established in 2015 as a multi-disciplinary "think tank" comprised of attorneys, law enforcement, business and safety professionals, management, human resources executives, parents, teachers, and others united in the belief that prevention is the only solution to mitigating the risk of continued tragedies as the United States experienced this weekend.

At least nine people were shot dead and 27 other injured in the vibrant Oregon district in Dayton, Ohio.
This area includes several restaurants, theaters and bars which were bustling with activity when the attack took place at approximately 1:00 a.m. this morning. The carnage stopped when the perpetrator was shot dead by first responders.
This attack in Ohio came on the heels of Saturday morning's mass murder at an ElPaso, Texas WalMart, which left at least 20 people dead and more than 26 injured.