Nurse savagely attacked by a patient dies of her injuries
We recently reported the workplace attack on an emergency room nurse which left her in intensive care.
Sadly we have now learned the nurse who has been identified as Lynne Sausse Truxillo died on April 11, 2019 from the injuries sustained as a result of this savage act of workplace violence.

Lynne Sausse Truxillo
Photo source:
Attack on two nurses; other nurses tried to intervene.
The man arrested for Ms. Truxillo's murder had been admitted to the emergency room at Orangeburg Regional Medical Center in South Carolina where Ms. Truxillo was employed.
The arrest warrant describes a gruesome episode of workplace violence allegedly initiated by this man which was directed at two nurses, in which other nurses interceded to try to stop it.
According to his arrest warrant, the man entered the nurses station and reportedly charged at a nurse. He pinned her to a corner and swung his arms at her. Ms. Truxillo intervened and pulled him off the nurse.
The warrant then states the man began attacking Ms. Truxillo, who tried to run away. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her head down onto a desk.
As Ms. Truxillo had done seconds before, other nurses tried to intervene to stop the assault. Ms. Truxillo fell as she tried to get away.
The arrest warrant states the episode was caught on video tape.
Later, Ms. Truxillo was admitted to intensive care and went into cardiac arrest multiple times. Sadly, she could not be revived. Ms. Truxillo is survived by her husband of 31 years and two children.
Proposed legislation to protect healthcare workers.
There is currently no national policy specifically protecting nurses and other health care professionals from workplace violence, a group of employees particularly susceptible it.
However earlier this year, members of the United States House of Representatives discussed H.R. 7141 which is aimed at protecting healthcare employees from violent patients.
Rep. Joe Courtney (D-Conn) has re-introduced the Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workplace Act.
The proposed legislation would "direct the Secretary of Labor to issue an occupational safety and health standard that requires covered employers within the health care and social service industries to develop and implement a comprehensive workplace violence prevention plan, and for other purposes."