2nd annual WVPI Violence Prevention Symposium
The WVPI's 2nd annual Violence Prevention Symposium will be held on March 27, 2019 (8:00 a.m. - noon) at the Second Harvest Food Bank in Orlando, Florida. This is the same location as our inaugural 2018 event. Breakfast and light refreshments will be served.
The brief highlight reel from our 2018 Violence Prevention Symposium appears here:
The confirmed speakers for our March 27, 2019 event are:
-Kathleen M. Bonczyk, Esq. (Attorney & Founder WVPI)
-Capt. Reginald Hosey, Orange County Sheriff's Office.
-Stuart Silverman, Esq. (Labor & Employment Attorney, WVPI Think Tank Chair).

Kathleen M. Bonczyk, WVPI Violence Prevention Symposium, 2018.
Additionally, the activist Jane Brady Nosal, mother of Caroline Nosal who was savagely murdered by a co-worker after she reported him to management for harassment, will lead a victim's discussion panel at the March 27th event.

Caroline and Jane Brady Nosal.
A focus of the WVPI's symposium which will be held shortly before the 20th anniversary of the April 20, 1999 Columbine mass shooting/bombing will be school and workplace violence prevention.
Columbine ushered in the modern American active school shooter/bomber era, leading to the murders and attempted murders of countless students, faculty and staff over the past two decades.
Columbine inspired countless school and workplace related violence over the past two decades.
The FBI advises mass shooters research prior events before carrying out their own hits. In addition to school shooters, numerous workplace killers were inspired by Columbine. One such killer who was greatly inspired by Columbine was the June 2017 Weis Market murderer who killed three co-workers before committing suicide in the workplace.

Thus Columbine's vicious footprints impacts safety for employees of all organizations, not just schools. Red flags and proactive strategies will be addressed at the symposium.
Prevention is the only solution.
For information on how to reserve your seat, email
Please watch more from the WVPI 2018 Violence Prevention Symposium here: