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Bullying is a form of workplace violence

The United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has determined that workplace violence includes "harassment, intimidation or other threatening behavior that occurs at the work site..."

The WVPI's Founder and President Kathleen M. Bonczyk and other members of the WVPI addressed harassment and bullying at the last WVPI conference which was held in New Jersey last September.

Photo and caption (c) Deb Falzoi

Deb Falzoi an advocate with the Massachusetts Healthy Workplace Bill participated in the WVPI's conference and wrote about what she learned. To read Deb's blog regarding the September 2017 WVPI conference please go here:

The WVPI global symposium is planned for Spring 2018 in Orlando, Florida.

Details regarding the Orlando symposium will appear on this blog. For further information contact


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