The Killer in the Next Cubicle: Available 2/28/18
The Killer in the Next Cubicle will be available through this website on February 28, 2018 both as an ebook and a physical training manual.
Here is a portion of the foreword from the book:

This work focuses on workplace violence prevention and studies 161 chilling employee-on-employee murders that occurred across the United States from January 2011 through January 2018.
Risk factors are identified and recommendations to help mitigate the risk of the growing tragedy that is workplace violence are offered.
The Killer in the Next Cubicle is the culmination of 30 years of Kathleen M. Bonczyk, Esq.'s work as a researcher, writer, author, and former human resources executive.
All profits will go to the Workplace Violence Prevention Institute, a Florida not-for-profit corporation.