Over 50 dead, 400 injured by sniper at Mandalay Bay Hotel
In the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, over 50 people were shot dead with at least 400 injured on the Las Vegas strip on the evening of October 1, 2017.
The suspect 64-year-old Stephen Paddock who was holed up in a room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel opened fire in a sniper style attack on thousands of country music fans at a music festival across the street from the hotel.
The number of dead could rise as many of the wounded are in critical condition.
It has been reported that Paddock had a cache of weapons in his room and that he committed suicide before police entered his hotel room. Paddock had at least 10 guns with him at the time of the massacre.

Stephen Paddock - photo source Twitter
The F.B.I. reports approximately 70% of all active shooter situations occur in one of two places: Businesses and schools.
Just last week at our Workplace Violence Prevention Institute's meeting in New Jersey we addressed the issue of increasing gun violence gun control with Jane Brady Nosal whose 24 year old daughter Caroline Nosal was shot dead at work in 2016.